As a church we have been riding that learning curve like a first time surf boarder.
The last four weeks, the churches that already provided online worship just
transitioned seamlessly into quarantine. I'm grateful for those who worked hard
to help us and make our new use of technology possible... to manage it, and we
continue to try to improve upon it. Early on, and this is my confession, it was
fairly overwhelming and I'll just mention in one area: Families want to tune in
online, they can find bigger churches, better technology, better recording
means, better music, better preaching, you name it. So I struggled – what do we
have to offer in particular that they
can't find better elsewhere. I decided it has to be some sense of family and
some sense of t being personal. And so, people worked hard to find a way to stay
in touch.
Sunday in a Box (Sunday School lessons for various
ages with crafts, story, etc) is an outgrowth of that. Something we could offer
in particular because we are family. We know that most Christian education
takes place in the home (far exceeds what we can offer in the church even during
normal times) - this is true of everyone. And so... to continue Sunday School and
to encourage families who needed to worship in place, we desired to offer some
resources.(plus there is a little solace in that maybe we are all doing the
same lesson on the same day the same time.) Super enchanting as well to think
about families worshiping together - moms and dads in a different and
deliberate way being Sunday school teachers to their kids. I just love the idea
of dad and mom the kids sitting around the table working on crafts, talking
about the story, etc. Saying their prayers together - that blesses me.
And, true confession number two: as we continue to improve Facebook and
posting videos and all of those connections, I have been blessed in such a huge
way by folks we don't see as often or get to be with as often -- chiming in and
making their presence known. Church family, church friends, thank you brothers
and sisters in Christ! #encouragement
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