Pastor's Blog

Pastor's Blog

Sunday, April 5, 2020

bulletin pieces

Words of Greeting (adapting from John 13:34-35)
One: In the name of Jesus, who washed feet and suffered long;
All: Let us love one another!
One: In the name of Jesus, who broke the bread and served the cup;
All: Let us love one another!
One: In the name of Jesus, who willingly gave himself up to death on a cross;
All: Let us love one another!
One: In the name of Jesus, who gave us a new commandment;
All: Let us love one another!
One: In the name of Jesus, who died, was buried, who rose and ascended;
All: Let us love one another!
One: Brothers and sisters, let us love one another, according to the way of Jesus.
All: For by this, everyone will know that we are his disciples, if we love one another. Amen!

Prayer of Confession (read Luke 22:54-62 if you wish)
On the same night as the foot washing form today's Scripture reading, Jesus tells Peter that he will deny him 3 times. 

Ann Weems writes in a poem called, “We All Have Our Courtyards”
(From Advent’s Alleluia to Easter’s Morning Light, Westminster John Knox Press, 2010)
We all have our courtyards,
those times and place we face
like Peter
when we must decide
to stand up and say
whether we know him or not.

Those crossroads in our lives,
when we go along with things as they are,
or we say, as Luther did,
Here I stand, I can do no other.

We all have our courtyards…
Lent is the time to prepare
for our courtyards,
the time to listen to who he says he is.
And he did, you know,
He did tell us who he is.
He is that one who brings good news to the poor,
freedom to the oppressed,
sight to the blind…
that Holy One who said,
Follow me.
Feed my sheep.

            The courtyard she refers to is the place where Peter watched Jesus from a distance after he was arrested in the garden - betrayed with a kiss. The courtyard was in Jerusalem outside the home of the High Priest where Jesus was being questioned - wrongly accused.  Three times Peter denied knowing Jesus; and then the cock crowed, exactly as Jesus predicted it would.
            It  is not just Judas who betrays Jesus, but each of us in our own ways.  Let us seek God's forgiveness. 

Extra Piece referenced in the message...

·         Here’s Jamie’s full name.
·         “Birth of a record: 1,000-plus letters in girl’s name.” The Seattle Times, January 22, 1991.

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